Hello friends! Welcome back for another Little Bible Plan, or welcome if you’re new! I’m so glad you’re here. We’re going to be studying the book of Romans this month, and I honestly can’t wait to get started! Keep reading to learn more.

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This month, we will be studying…

The Book of Romans

…and I can hardly wait!

Romans was written by my favorite person in the Bible (besides Jesus)—Paul. He wrote this letter to the church in Rome. (Yes, that’s Ancient Rome, Italy! How cool is that?)

This book is all about the Gospel—the Good News of Jesus Christ. According to esv.org:

The global message of Romans is that all people everywhere have free access to the riches of God’s grace in Christ as they respond in faith to the Gospel. In His own Son, God has made a way for lost people to be restored to Him—lost people whether they are Greeks or barbarians, wise or foolish (Rom. 1:14).

This book is so rich with messages about salvation, sin, God’s grace, and the Christian life, and I can’t WAIT to begin this study with you!

Bible Study Quick Tips

  1. Remove as many distractions as possible. (I try to keep my phone in another room, but do whatever works best for you!)
  2. Pray before reading. Acknowledge that the Lord is there with you & invite Him into your study! Ask Him to open your heart & mind to understand His Word.
  3. Use a Bible version you enjoy & understand. Some of my favorites are the NLT (New Living Translation), CSB (Christian Standard Bible), and NCV (New Century Version). You can read these for free on Bible Gateway or the YouVersion Bible App.
  4. To dig deeper in your study or better understand the passages, check out the commentaries on Enduring Word.


You’ll also find 31 cozy quiet time ideas on this month’s calendar! These are just for fun, so feel free to do as many or as little as you’d like, or change them up to fit your lifestyle.

I’ve been feeling all of the cozy/cottagecore/hobbit/light academia vibes this spring, so that’s what inspired this month’s theme! Here are some ideas you’ll find:

  • Start a prayer journal.
  • Have coffee or tea with your Bible study.
  • Put on a cozy ambience video.
  • Have a baked good with your quiet time.

No matter what your quiet time looks like—long or short, cozy or more chaotic—just know that Jesus loves spending time with you. Whether you’re surrounded by candles and flowers or clutter and piles of laundry, time spent with Him can always be cozy in your heart. Because He is all your heart needs, and He is the source of true peace, comfort, and rest.

Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. —Psalm 116:7

Wishing you a lovely month filled with tea, Scripture, and sweet time with Jesus!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers.

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers.

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