HAPPY 2023 FRIENDS! *throws confetti* It’s hard to believe, but this will be my NINTH year making Little Bible Plans! What?! Next year will be ten! I can’t even explain how grateful I am to Jesus & to all of you who have participated over the years. I have so many great memories connected to this Bible plan, and I’m looking forward to many more memories to come, Lord willing! Whether you’ve been here for years, months, or this is your first time, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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It wouldn’t be a January Little Bible Plan without reading through the book of Proverbs! We’ll be continuing our annual tradition of studying this amazing book—there are 31 chapters, one for each day of the month. Proverbs is filled with so much wisdom, insight, and life advice, and I think it’s such an incredible book to start the New Year with.


You’ll also find daily challenges designed to help you reach your goals and keep Christ at the center of your New Year! These challenges are not meant to feel like an intimidating to-do list; my hope is that they are encouraging & inspiring with a heavy emphasis on just loving Jesus & resting in Him. Feel free to do as many or as little as you’d like! Here are some examples:

  • Ask God to help you grow closer to Him this year.
  • Choose a Bible verse for 2023.
  • Rest knowing that you are complete in Christ.
  • Create a worship playlist.

+ more!

As we walk through 2023, I hope it finds us closer to Jesus than ever before! Knowing Him, loving Him, seeking Him first. Growing closer to His heart. Running to His grace when we make mistakes. And resting in His love. Happy New Year!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. You can find out more about her ministry by following her Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog, ewiglichtkind.de!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. This challenge of have a word for each.year really helped me last year. I chose FAITH and last year, my.faith was strengthened by God and He helped me in soooooo many ways. Definitely going to take my time selecting my key word for 2023. It’s going to be the best year.

  2. Following the plan you’ve set has helped me stay consistent in spending time studying the Bible this year, and I am really grateful.
    I pray that Gid continues to bless you and your ministry.

  3. Saw the bible plan started with it today and most say i was completely blown away. Looking forward to the rest of the year…… Super excited 💃💃💃💃💃💃

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