Hi friends! I hope you’re having a lovely spring so far. (Or whatever season it is right now where you live!) I feel like April just flew by, so I’m really hoping to slow down a little & soak in the month of May. That’s one reason I’m so excited about this month’s Little Bible Plan—the daily bucket list ideas are all about taking time to enjoy the little things in life. Keep reading to learn more!

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This month we’ll be finishing our study of 1 Samuel! I’m so excited to dig back into this Old Testament book. If you weren’t here for March’s plan (where we studied the first 14 chapters), no worries—you’re more than welcome to jump in here!

If you’re not super familiar with the Old Testament or need help with your study—I highly recommend Blue Letter Bible commentaries. The writer breaks down Bible passages verse by verse and provides explanations, insights & quotes by great Bible scholars. (Also, don’t feel like you have to read the whole commentary if you don’t want to—sometimes if I’m stumped on a verse, I’ll just look for that particular section.)


If you’re not familiar with cottagecore, there are many definitions out there, but I would describe it as:


The idea of living life as if you were transported back in time to a cottage in the English countryside. It’s the opposite of hustling—it’s all about slowing down and appreciating the beauty of life. Gardening, picking flowers, strolling through quiet meadows, baking treats. An aesthetic filled with flowy dresses, floral prints, old books, tea & nature.

Each day on this month’s calendar, you’ll find a different cottagecore bucket list idea! These are absolutely just for fun, and you can complete as many or a little as you’d like. (And they don’t have to be completed on the day they’re listed!)

Even if you’re not into cottagecore, my true goal is that these ideas help you (and me!) slow down, enjoy the little things in life, and—most importantly—grow closer to Jesus!

Wishing you a lovely May!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. You can find out more about her ministry by following her Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog, ewiglichtkind.de!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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One Comment

  1. Hello, there! As I’ve said before, I’ve been following these Bible plans for quite a few years now and I’m sooo excited to continue reading through God’s Word with these creative ideas and now, this reminder to rest! Thank you for the effort and heart you put into this. God bless!💕

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