Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s almost 2018? I feel like we were just celebrating the New Year!

Three years of the Little Bible Plan are officially in the books. Wow. Thank you so, so much to everyone who has downloaded these little calendars over the years, left me encouraging comments and sent me pictures. I’m so grateful that God has used these plans to touch so many lives, and I give Him all the credit. Your support and kindness inspires me to keep going, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I’m super excited about this month’s calendar! We’re continuing our tradition of kicking off the year with Proverbs. (I took a poll on Instagram, and the majority of you wanted to keep the tradition alive. I’m really sorry for those of you who voted to start with a new book—I hope you’ll still join us! But if you do decide to pass this month, I’d love to have you back in February. I have something special planned for the challenges!)

This month, you’ll find challenges every day that are focused on fresh starts, goals for 2018 and—most importantly—growing closer to God. Don’t feel pressured to complete all the challenges! It’s okay if you miss a day (or two, or twelve, or twenty). This isn’t as much about checking off every single challenge as it is growing in your faith and having fun at the same time. These are some challenges you’ll find!

  • Choose a theme verse for 2018.
  • Put on some Christian music & clean your room.
  • Make a list of ways you can be more productive with your time.
  • Cozy up with your favorite hot drink & study God’s Word.

I hope you enjoy digging into the Bible this month! If you post about the challenges on Instagram or Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #littlebibleplan. Happy New Year!

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  1. Hie..I so hope the WhatsApp group is still on…I would love to be added…. Hopefully will get through….and mehn…I love the bible plans and challenges…so amazing…kept me excited and growing

    1. Hi Sophie! I’m so excited to hear that you’re enjoying the Bible plans. Praise the Lord! I don’t know of any groups on WhatsApp, but a few months ago Lucy from @anhonestlifeblog started DM groups on Instagram. She’s taking a break right now, so there are no groups at the moment…I’m so sorry! I would love to figure out how to do something like that on my website in the future. I hope you enjoy reading Proverbs this month! Happy New Year!

  2. Hey Jenny! What goes on with groups through certain apps? I know you said there are none at the moment, but just curious and would love to join when they are brought back 🙂
    Also these Bible plans are so amazing and encourage me in many ways! On multiple occasions I have been able to print these off and give them to various friends, mother, and sisters.

    1. Wow, praise the Lord! That encourages me so much. Thank you for sharing. <3 The groups were done through Direct Message on Instagram (run by @anhonestlifeblog), and girls would share what they were learning from the Little Bible Plan and encourage one another by giving thoughts, asking questions & even sharing prayer requests. I'd love for you to join in the future! If we get them going again, I always announce them on my Instagram story. Blessings!

    2. WOW… another beautiful bible plan! I’m so exited to get back into a New Year with these plans. Jenny, these are such amazing works of art!
      xo, Molly 💝

      1. Aw, Molly, it truly means so much to me that you use these plans. Thank you for being such an encouragement! I hope you have an amazing month ♡

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