Hello September.

And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” —Oscar Wilde

Although autumn is my favorite season, I’m having a hard time saying goodbye to summer this year. Hot sunny days, barefoot in the grass, gardening and morning glories and frogs in the pond. Road trips and sunscreen and nights at the fair. I’m going to miss it all so very much. But I’m sure my first pumpkin spice latte will be just around the corner.

There are so many beautiful things about September, and I’m hoping to soak in every moment. And I am SO excited to study God’s Word with you all this month! Keep reading to learn more.


During the month of September, we’ll be studying the entire book of 1 Corinthians! I absolutely love Paul’s letters, and I can’t wait to begin.

(If you need help understanding the passages or just want to go deeper in your study, I highly recommend the commentaries on Enduring Word.)


To go along with your Bible study this month, you’ll find a “light academia” study theme!

Light academia is an aesthetic and a style that focuses on a love for knowledge—reading, writing, learning & studying. A quick search on Pinterest will show you light, neutral tones, artwork with golden frames, beautiful libraries, plaid skirts, handwritten letters & cups of tea.

the part of society, especially universities, that is connected with studying and thinking, or the activity or job of studying.

And since this aesthetic revolves around a love for studying & learning—what better book to love studying than the Word of God?

As always, these ideas are just for fun, so feel free to do as many or as little as you’d like. Here are some examples you’ll find:

  • Use a journal with your study this month.
  • Research information about 1 Corinthians.
  • Decorate your study space with candles or books.
  • Learn a Bible verse in Hebrew.

+ more!

Praying this month will inspire in us an even greater love for reading & studying the Word of God. Because His Word is ALIVE, and through it He speaks to us, teaches us more about His heart & draws us into closer friendship with Him!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. Thank you so much for the little Bible plan; you have helped me build consistency in studying the Word.
    God bless you.

  2. I have lagged behind and had s stunted spiritual growth for some time. Recently I crave and desire for God, the presence and live of God. I would love scriptures and guidelines that reminds me of God’s love for me, of his plans for me too. Recently the songs that sing in my heart are coming back, I pray that God has mercy on me and give me back the visions too, because without vision, the people perish. I look forward to growing back in love with Chris.

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