Get ready to spend an entire month reading about God’s promises to you.


This summer my friend and I decided to study God’s promises. And boy was that the best thing we could’ve ever done! We were both dealing with some hard situations, and just simply looking up verses about God’s promises and writing them in our journals was a game changer. Things in this life can be hard and uncertain, but God’s promises are true and forever and unchanging!

I hope you’re ready to dig into 30 of these promises this month! Each day you’ll find a promise + a Bible passage that backs it. Here are some examples:

  • He is with you and holds your hand.
  • Healing for the brokenhearted.
  • Hope during depression.

P.S. (Not necessary, but I highly recommend writing a promise + a Bible verse in your journal each day!)

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If you didn’t already know, the Little Bible Plan is now available in Spanish! Thank you, Melanie, for translating these for us!

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I’m so excited to see what God does in your life this month! I’ll be posting a lot on my Instagram stories, so be sure to tag me and use the hashtag #littlebibleplan. Also, feel free to print as many as you’d like and share them with your friends, family or church—or start a Bible study!

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One Comment

  1. Hello, Jenny! I’m Lidya from Indonesia. I just found this blog in late August 2019 and I started to do your bible reading plan until now and am planning to do that continuosly because why not? I really love it!. Thank you for coming up with these beautiful #littlebibleplan I really feel blessed! Hehe.
    But I want to ask you, is there any mistake on September 11th? You wrote Matthew 11:25-34 but in Matthew 11 there are only 30 verses. I just want to inform and clarify you about that. No offense please, hehe I love your work.
    Anyway, keep it up the good work! I love you and God bless you!

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