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Royal Quality:


someone admired deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

Scripture Passages:

Proverbs 31:25a; Proverbs 22:1-4; Galatians 6:9; James 4:17; 1 Corinthians 15:58; 1 Corinthians 16:13

Castle Dining:

Here are a few Pocahontas-themed snack & drink ideas!

  • Pocahontas’ Popcorn (fun way to serve it here)
  • John Smith’s Biscuits (shortbread cookie or any type of cracker)
  • The Sun Sweet Berries of the Earth (fruit)
  • Just Around the River Bend Water



I asked God to help me find a song that fits just right with this devotion, and with Pocahontas. I searched around for a while before finally stumbling across this one (above), and I’m dumbfounded. I honestly can’t believe how perfect it is. But that’s just the way God works! Here are the opening lyrics:

I am strong and full of life
I am steadfast, no compromise
I lift my sails to the sky
I’m gonna catch the wind
I’m gonna catch the wind

The next thing we learn about the Proverbs 31 woman is that “she is clothed with strength and dignity.” She is strong and respected for the way she lives.

Being respected is more important than having great riches. To be well thought of is better than silver or gold. -Proverbs 22:1a

In Disney’s Pocahontas, all Governor Ratcliffe cared about was gold. Nothing and no one would stop him from getting the wealth and success he desired—no matter how it hurt the people around him. But in the end, his selfishness and greed cost him greatly, and he was respected by no one.

Pocahontas was the complete opposite! By risking her own life to save John Smith’s, she earned the respect of both her people and the white men. In the scene where Pocahontas comes to say goodbye to John Smith, each of the men with him slowly remove their caps out of respect for her. (Does this make anyone else tear up? Just me? Okay.) She knew the right thing to do, and she did it. We should do the same!

Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one. -Grandmother Willow

However, the difference between Pocahontas and a Proverbs 31 woman is that Pocahontas followed what her HEART told her was right, but we should follow what GOD tells us is right. If you are strong in your faith and don’t follow the crowd, people will respect you. Yes, you will be made fun of. Yes, you will lose friends. Yes, it will be hard. But you never know who’s secretly looking up to you for standing strong in your faith and doing the right thing. So stay steadfast—no compromise!

I can feel the wind stirring
Lifting me up high
I was born into freedom
I was made to fly


  1. What did you learn from the Scripture passages?
  2. What Bible verse really stood out to you?
  3. What does it look like to be a girl or a woman who’s respected?
  4. Can you think of a time in your life when you had to stand strong and do the right thing, even when it was hard?
  5. Write down five different things that would make you respect someone. Then try to apply them to your own life!

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