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Royal Quality:


able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad.

Scripture Passages:

Proverbs 31:23-24; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Proverbs 19:2; 1 Kings 3:7-10

Castle Dining:

Ariel’s Oyster Pearl Cookies! This sweet treat is sure to make a splash. (Click here for the recipe!)

Serve your cookies with “Mermaid Lemonade” or “Under the Sea Water.”



When you hear the words “wise” and “discerning,” Ariel might not be the first person that comes to mind. I think most of us can agree that the way she went about things with Prince Eric was not too smart. (Disobeying her father, risking her life and putting her sea kingdom in danger.) But for all my Little Mermaid lovers out there—don’t leave just yet! Although there are some great lessons to be learned from her mistakes (just like many heroes in the Bible), today we’re going to focus on how Ariel DID use discernment. And that is with the kind of man she chose to fall in love with.

Her husband is known at the city meetings, where he makes decisions as one of the leaders of the land. -Proverbs 31:23

This little description of the Proverbs 31 woman’s husband says so much about him! He seems like a man who is well-respected, influential and honorable. He has a good reputation. He’s an upright citizen and a dedicated leader.

Doesn’t it seem like our gal, the Proverbs 31 woman, cared about who she married? This little verse leads me to believe that she didn’t just settle for anyone. I can only assume that she studied her future husband’s character with wisdom and discernment. His character and reputation was important to her. She knew her worth as a daughter of God, and she waited for His best for her.

According to vocabulary.com, here’s what a discerning person looks like:

Discerning people pick up on subtle traits and are good judges of quality—they’re the ones who can tell if your cupcakes are homemade from the finest ingredients or totally from a box mix.

It goes on to say:

Discerning is an adjective that comes from the Old French discerner, meaning to “distinguish (between), separate (by sifting).” Which makes sense, because someone with discerning tastes or a discerning eye is good at distinguishing the good from the bad and sifting out the gems from the junk.

Ariel sure had a good eye for things—her collection of whosits and whatsits was exquisite! Even more importantly, the man she chose to spend the rest of her life with was a true gem. Prince Eric reminds me so much of the Proverbs 31 woman’s husband. Kind, gentle, honorable, selfless, determined. He was obviously well-respected and a leader of the land. He loved Ariel and risked his life to protect her.

Daughter of the King, you are a princess, and the Bible says your worth is far above rubies! You deserve a prince who will treat you with love, respect and honor. I encourage you to use discernment—sift out the gems from the junk—when choosing to let ANY guy have a piece of your heart, whether it’s your future husband, your boyfriend, a date or even a crush. What kind of man are you looking for? Does he have a good reputation? What kind of character and morals does he possess? Above all, does he have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and desire to grow in His Word and serve Him every day?

No, your future husband will not be perfect (just like you won’t be a perfect Proverbs 31 wife), but you should absolutely examine a guy’s character and determine whether or not he’s God’s best for you.

Your prince could come quickly. He may arrive after years and years of waiting. Or, in some cases, he might not come at all. But here’s what I can promise you—God’s best for you, His daughter, is more than you could ever dream or hope for. Wait on and trust in Him!


  1. What did you learn from the Scripture passages?
  2. What Bible verse really stood out to you?
  3. What does it look like to be a girl or a woman who’s discerning?
  4. Why is it so important not to settle for just any guy?
  5. What qualities are you looking for in a future husband? Make a list!

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  1. This is my favorite!!! I love this so much and I was so confused at first when you put Ariel with discernment. (hehe) I was like, hmmm…..really? But then after reading everything, you’re so right. And Eric is the perfect example of a good leader and being known for his kindness and also wanting to marry for love and not just to be married. Can’t wait for our next princess.

  2. Beautiful post. This is still so important to someone who hasn’t been in a relationship yet, but knows that the time will come when she’d need discernment. Love you so SO much, big sister!

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