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Royal Quality:


kind and generous in giving money or other help to those in need.

Scripture Passages:

Proverbs 31:20; Matthew 25:34-40; 1 John 3:16-18; Proverbs 19:17

Castle Dining:

Aladdin’s Magic Carpet Pizza! Use any pizza recipe you’d like. Roll out your pizza dough, cut it into small rectangles and pinch the corners to form tassels! (For an easier option, Sicilian pizza from the store or pizzeria works too.)

Serve your Magic Carpets with “Jasmine’s Apple Juice,” inspired by the apple Princess Jasmine gave to the little boy in the marketplace.



Longing for a life beyond the palace walls, Princess Jasmine ran away. When she entered the marketplace of Agrabah for the first time, she came across a hungry little boy and—filled with compassion—gave him an apple. In the same way, we should have a desire to help those in need.

I think these lyrics from Hannah Kerr’s song, “Love I Leave,” say it all:

I want to reach out to the left out and the lonely
Find a way to touch their hurting hearts
Be the one to tell someone they matter
Take a chance and show them who You are

And who is Jesus? During His time on earth, Jesus displayed the greatest example of love and compassion this world has ever known. His life was all about others. He healed the sick, fed the hungry and welcomed the outcasts. His hands reached out to the lonely and His feet took Him wherever His Father wanted Him to go.

And now, as daughters of the King, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. One of the biggest ways we can reflect our Savior’s love is by helping those in need.

Do you know someone who’s going through a hard time? Write them an encouraging letter. Is there a girl at school or church who’s always by herself? Sit by her. Are you able to donate money? Maybe you could sponsor a child in need through Compassion. There are so many ways we can show Jesus’ love to others—whether it’s money, time or just a little bit of kindness. Who can you reach out to today?

Then the King will answer, “I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.” -Matthew 25:40


  1. What did you learn from the Scripture passages?
  2. What Bible verse really stood out to you?
  3. What does it look like to be a girl or a woman who’s charitable?
  4. Do you know anyone who’s hurting and needs Christ’s love?
  5. How can you be the hands and feet of Jesus this week?

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  1. Very convicting. It’s interesting that Jasmine put the little boy’s needs before her own while running away. Although she wasn’t fulfilling the role she was given because of her selfishness, it showed promise in her heart that it wasn’t “all about her” either. Another wonderful post! Thanks for posting!

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