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Royal Quality:


having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

Scripture Passages:

Proverbs 31:13-16; Proverbs 16:1-9; 1 Peter 4:10-11; Colossians 1:28-29; Galatians 1:10

Castle Dining:

Tiana’s Famous Beignets! (For a simple, 3 ingredient recipe, click here.)

Serve your beignets with “New Orleans Hot Chocolate.” Some other drink ideas are “Bayou Water” or “Frog Punch,” which could be water with lime slices or any type of green drink!



One of my favorite things about the Proverbs 31 woman is her ambition! She rises before dawn, rolls up her sleeves and gets right to work. Buying, selling, cooking, creating. This woman is the ultimate girl boss!

She inspects a field and buys it. With money she earned, she plants a vineyard. -Proverbs 31:16

What princess better displays this quality than Tiana? She had a huge dream—to open her own restaurant—and she hustled hard every day to make that dream come true. She didn’t waste her time. She had a passion and a vision for her future, and she stayed focused on reaching her goal.

As a daughter of God, your dreams are limitless! No dream is too big for Him. As God created you, forming you with His own hands, He had a special purpose in mind for your life. I can picture Him saying, “I will give her this purpose, something only she can do. My daughter will change the world. I will do incredible things through her, if she will only let me.”

The more you grow closer to God, the more your heart gets in tune with His, and the more HIS dreams become YOUR dreams. You want to follow His purpose for your life, not your own.

What dreams has God placed in your heart? What gifts and talents and passions has He given you? Do you want to open a restaurant? Write a book? Become a singer? Maybe you want to be a homemaker or start a blog. Maybe you feel called to have a Bible study group in your home or reach out to that girl who seems lonely. Whatever dream God has given you, if it’s His will for your life, don’t be afraid to pursue it!

While all of Tiana’s hard work and ambition were good things, there was one thing she missed, and it’s something that we often miss, too. She was depending on herself to make her dream happen.

People may make plans in their minds, but only the Lord can make them come true. -Proverbs 16:1

God is the one who makes our dreams come true! We can do the dreaming and the planning and the hustling, but ultimately, the result is up to God. And what a freeing thought! That no matter what happens, we don’t have to worry about the outcome. Even if we fail or face all kinds of challenges along the way, we just need to trust in Him.

So dream big! Chase God’s plan for your life. Be ambitious. Have faith. And trust God with the rest.


  1. What did you learn from the Scripture passages?
  2. What Bible verse really stood out to you?
  3. What does it look like to be a girl or a woman of ambition?
  4. What are some of your passions and dreams?
  5. What gifts and talents has God given you? How can you use them to serve and glorify Him?

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  1. Wow! This is so encouraging! You never cease to amaze me with these posts. Keep up the great work for the Lord! <3 I really can't wait to see where God takes me with my dreams. 😉

    1. I truly can’t wait to see where God takes you either! He’s already using you in incredible ways. I’m so excited for what your future holds. Thanks Molly, love you! 😘

  2. The only thing I’m struggling with as I read this masterpiece is how can I distinguish the talents He gave me and the ones I’m making of myself? If you could show me some guidance I’d so appreciate it.

    1. Hi Kaylin! That’s a great question. If you’re really good at something that you can use to bring glory to God, that’s definitely from Him! He gives us our talents and passions and abilities so that we will use them to serve Him, serve others and live out a purpose-filled life. The difference is when we take those talents and use them to glorify ourselves. I truly believe that nothing done for God’s glory is ever wasted!

      As for finding where God wants you to take your talents specifically, my best advice is to get into the Bible every day. God speaks so clearly through His Word. Also, seek His will in prayer! Take advice from Godly people in your life. (If you find several Godly people telling you that you’d be really great at something, definitely take that into consideration!) Allow God to lead you one day at a time.

      1 Peter 4:10-11 says, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

      I hope this helps! Keep serving Him. 💛

  3. Amen, thank you for sharing! Finding this devotional was the confirmation I needed to give my dreams and desires fully to God. Surrender and allow him to take over.

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