October! Oh, how I love this month. Pumpkins, fallen leaves, sweet scented candles, coffee. I’m so looking forward to spending time with my Savior each day, reading His Word and journaling. I’d love if you joined me!


Not sure what to read in your Bible this month? Please oh please, read these passages. Even just skimming through them as I made this calendar, they touched my heart. I can’t wait to study them deeper!

We’ll be reading the entire books of James and 1 Thessalonians, and then to wrap up the month I included some passages from Psalms. I chose Psalm 25 because I just read it recently and couldn’t believe how much it meant to me in this season of my life. I hope it encourages you, too!


Just for fun, this calendar features 31 “About Me” questions that you can answer in your Bible, journal or Little Faith Book. Here are some examples:

  • If I could travel anywhere, where would I go?
  • Top 5 favorite movies?
  • How have I seen God work in my life?

I’m genuinely so excited to spend time each day with a blanket and my Bible, studying these passages and learning more about my Savior. I hope the same for you!

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Join the conversation on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #littlebibleplan! If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. Following through this beautiful plan. Already, God is speaking to me about areas in my life that I need to surrender to him. Chapter 1 talking about how a person with divided loyalty is unstable in everything they do, really spoke to me. It’s challenged me to please God first rather than please the people around me by compromising my faith. James is not an easy book to read because it really exposes the sins I struggle with most, but it’s more needful because of it! Going to catch up with 1 Thessalonians soon. Looking forward! Thank you for this reading plan!

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