And just like that, November is on its way. Where has the year gone? I’m always sad to leave my beloved October behind, but I am looking forward to the holiday season. There is so much to love about November—the gentle beauty of late fall, cozy sweaters, mornings in the Word, Thanksgiving, and the arrival of Christmastime.

In the spirit of the season, this month’s theme is all about counting our blessings. Keep reading to learn more!


We are currently spending the ‘ber months (October, November, December) journeying through Isaiah. If you weren’t here last month OR if you fell behind—no worries, friend. No pressure. This is all about spending time with Jesus in His Word, so feel free to jump right in, pick up where you left off, or whatever the Holy Spirit nudges you to do. We’re all about grace in this community!

Isaiah can be difficult to understand at times, so if you need help with your study, I definitely recommend the Enduring Word commentary. I actually found this commentary when we studied Isaiah several years ago, and it helped me SO much! I didn’t usually read the whole thing, just snippets here and there where I needed help understanding. And I would jot down quotes from the commentary into my Bible that stood out to me. It really deepened my study, and I highly recommend this to everyone!

Also, we are doing the Isaiah Bible Study by Melissa Spoelstra in our women’s Bible study at church right now, and I’m loving it so far!


I love our November tradition of the “give thanks challenge” and look forward to it every year. Each day, we try to focus on our blessings and write down three things we’re thankful to God for. This actually has a huge impact on our hearts & minds—plus, it’s God’s will for us!

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” —1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wishing you a wonderful November filled with cozy sweaters, pumpkin pie & sweet time with Jesus. I’m so thankful for YOU!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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  1. I am glad I found this page , looking forward to building my Christian life and also personal development and relationships with God

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