Hello friends! Welcome back for another month of the Little Bible Plan, or welcome if you are new! I’m so glad you’ve stumbled upon this blog post. As we’re nearing the end of 2020, I think we could all use a little bit of encouragement for our hearts—and that’s what this month’s Little Bible Plan is all about!


Get ready to be encouraged, uplifted and challenged this month. We’ll be reading through three wonderful books of the Bible—Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. These short books, written by Paul, are just filled with beautiful verses about living a life for Christ.


I wanted this month’s theme to be all about encouragement + thankfulness. Yes, because of Thanksgiving, but also—this has been such a wild and difficult year for many of us, and I think it’s so important to focus on our blessings. Taking time to focus on the positive and thank God for all the good things He’s given us truly does help us shift our perspective.

I love these lyrics from the old hymn, Count Your Blessings:

When upon life’s billows
You are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged
Thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings
Name them one by one
And it will surprise you
What the Lord has done

And so, each day we’ll be writing down three different things we’re thankful to God for! (Feel free to do more than three each day if you’d like to.)

Wishing you all a blessed November. I’m thankful for YOU!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her husband, find out more about their ministry here!

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. You can find out more about her ministry by following her Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog, ewiglichtkind.de!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. So sweet!! Coming from your little sister in Christ at just 14 years of age, I love the little faith blog devotionals! they always increase my faith and simply allow me to grow closer to God<3 May the Lord bless you and keep you safe from all harm! {Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.”}

  2. Thank you Jenny. I appreciate the time you spend doing these monthly plans, you’re so creative. I’m thankful for you! honestly if not for this blog I wouldn’t know where to start my quiet time… I love order and structure and this guarantees it.

  3. Thank you so much!!!! God direct my step to your blog. Please pray with me , I am fervently looking for a job. Thank you, and again I say THANK YOU BLESSED ONE. May the LORD keep you and bless you abundantly, May HE makes HIS face shine upon you and gives you PEACE!!!!!


    Ps: I am French, living in greater Paris.

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