Hello friends! I’m so excited to be hosting this giveaway for my Little Faith Blog subscribers ONLY! I truly love and appreciate each one of you so much. The fact that you decided to take the time and subscribe to my blog means the world to me!

What you’ll win:

An NLT Filament Bible! This little Bible is the coolest thing. You can download the app that comes with it and scan each page to access study notes, devotions, maps, etc. (Example picture below.) It’s the ultimate Bible study tool! A big thank you to Tyndale for sending me this Bible to giveaway!

How to enter:

  1. Be subscribed to Little Faith Blog. If you haven’t already, you can sign up below! (NOTE: Don’t forget to go to your email and confirm your subscription!)
  2. Comment below your current favorite movie, worship song and ice cream flavor.

And that’s it! The winner will be chosen after I get home from my trip to Israel in about two weeks. I love you guys! Thank you so much for all your support.

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P.S. If you’re interested in purchasing this Bible, I just wanted to let you know that you can use my code christiangirls40 to get 40% off (you’ll also get free shipping!) until May 18th. Click here to shop. Talk to you soon!

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  1. Hello here!
    I love the movie children who chase lost voices, it’s actually an anime movie but I love it so much, my favorite worship song is Oh Happy Day and I surrender, and I love the ice cream flavor cookies 😀
    I really hope to win this bible and strengthen my faith in God!

  2. Shawshank Redemption
    How Great is our God
    I can’t eat ice cream – but used to love Double Malted Crunch by Thrifty!

  3. Hey fellow little faith lovers 🙂 My name is Rebecca O , and my current favorite movie is “An Interview with God”, favorite worship song is “Nobody loves me like you” by Chris Tomlin. I’m lactose intolerant, but I’ll do anything for a Cookies n’ Cream ice cream ❤️

  4. Hi! My favorite movie is Rain Man. My favorite worship song is “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells. My favorite ice cream is chocolate! Thank you.

  5. I love the movie war room, it just so amazing and it brings to life the power of a praying woman. I also love all God’s not dead movies. my favorite worship song right now is there’s another in fire by Hillsong and my favorite ice cream flavor strawberry with strawberry bits in it

  6. -My favorite movie is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
    -Favorite worship song is I Give You Glory by Jonathan Nelson
    – Favorite ice cream flavor will forever be vanilla

  7. My current favorite movie is Birdbox, worshop song is Look up child by Lauren Dagel, and ice cream is Blueberry Cheesecake.

  8. This Bible looks so exciting, I couldn’t wait for a drawing 😁😁. I’ve ordered it “for my husband”!!! 😆😆

  9. This Bible looks so exciting, I couldn’t wait for a drawing 😁😁. I’ve ordered it “for my husband”!!! 😆😆

    Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias
    Favorite worship song: You are my hiding Place
    Favorite ice cream: cappuccino crunch

  10. Hi,
    My current favorite movie is Moana. (We love watching it with our grandkids, but have seen it once or twice witjout them.)
    Cory Asbury’s song Reckless Love is one of my very favorite worship songs right now.
    Cookies & cream ice cream!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Fav movie: What About Bob?
    Fav worship song: Red Letters by Crowder
    Fav Ice Cream: Vanilla & Fudge Swirl by Bryer’s (gluten free)

  12. My favorite movie is Avengers: Endgame, my favorite worship song is Be Still by Hillsong Worship, and my favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry 🙂

  13. As of right now my favorite movie is Breakthrough. It reminds me of my car accident and I know it’s God talking to me and telling me to put my faith and trust in Him and he will make everything fall into place.
    My favorite worship song is “While I Wait”. It’s a beautiful song, talking about waiting on God and knowing he’s gonna take care of things, and that in this season of waiting we just need to trust, worship, obey, love, and be of a positive spirit. I am in the most difficult waiting season, but I have pulled and tugged and stood in God’s arms the past three months knowing he is my protector and that all I need to do is lean on him and he will take care of me. Let’s just say 2019 isn’t treating me too well other than the chocolate ice cream I’ve been devouring here lately lol I can’t say that chocolate ice cream is my #1 favorite but it’s my go-to unless I’m in the city and then I get Birthday Cake Ice Cream with Fruity Pebbles
    Prayer are appreciated, and Jenny darling I love you!

  14. Hello!
    My favorite movie is Facing the Giants. And also my favorite worship song is “Jesus I Need You” by Hillsong Worship. And the last one my favorite ice cream flavor is Choco Chip!!!

  15. My favourite film is My Girl, my favourite worship song is You’re the Best Song and my favourite icecream flavour is peanut butter soy. 🌸

  16. Hi!
    My favourite movie is Father of the bride, my favourite worship song is probably All Creatures of Our God and King! And my favourite ice cream flavour…..strawberry or cookie dough😁

  17. My favorite movie is war room. My favorite worship song is look up by Lauren Daigle. And my favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio.

  18. Hello!
    My favorite movie is “I can only imagine” that came out a couple years ago! So great and so moving! Favorite worship song would definitely have to be currently “Red Letters” by Crowder! I have so many but definitely that song currently! And my favorite ice cream flavor is Cookies & Cream! ❤️🙌🏻🌺

  19. My favourite movie is Tangled, my favourite worship song is The Stand, and my favourite is vanilla – Simple and sweet 🙂

  20. This is so fun and I love your blog so much! My favorite movie is Disney’s Newsies the Musical, my currant favorite worship song is Who You Say I Am, and my favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip. ❤️❤️❤️

  21. Love your little bible plan! And love this idea too! Thank you!
    Favorite movie right now is Toy Story (I have kids! )
    Favorite worship song is “I want to go to church “ Cochran and Co.
    Favorite ice cream is peanut butter cup!

  22. My favorite move is Cinderella ll. My favorite worship song is “The Anthem” by Full Baptist Gospel Choir. And my favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla by Bluebell.

  23. My favorite movie right now is Pretty In Pink (or pretty much any cheesy 80’s movie) and I’m LOVINGGG “Sit Here For Awhille” by Rose Factor. Any ice cream flavor is my favorite ice cream flavor!

  24. My favourite movie is ‘A Walk to Remember’, my favourite worship song is ‘You Still Love Me’ and my favourite ice cream flavor is Bubble Gum.

  25. My favorite movie currently has to be End Game, my favorite worship song is What a Beautiful Name, and my favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip.

  26. Favorite movie- Moana
    Favorite Worship song- Look up Child by Lauren Daigle
    Favorite Ice cream flavor- Banana Pudding

  27. Hi!
    I love your blog soo much . It has helped me in various ways. My favorite movie is One night with the king, favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry and favorite worship song is My God is awesome.

  28. Hi Jenny! I’ve been following your blog for a long time now, and I love it! This month’s plan is just what I needed. 🙂
    My favorite movie is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, my favorite worship song is Death Was Arrested, and my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough!
    God Bless and have fun in Israel!

  29. Hello jenny…
    My favorite movie is miracles from heaven
    Worship song is reckless love and favorite
    Ice cream is butterscotch….

  30. Even though it’s a Christmas movie mine’s probably White Christmas. I guess only watching it one time of the year makes it more special.
    Steady by for King & Country
    GF Cookie dough all the way!

  31. Heyo!
    My favourite movie is def The Proposal!
    Fav Woship song is When the Fight calls
    & Ice-cream flavour is CHOCOLATE!!

  32. 1. I don’t really have a favorite movie 😛
    2. So Will I (100 Billion x) -Hillsong Worship (I’m actually listening to it right now :D)
    3. Peach

  33. This is awesome, Jenny! Have fun and be safe in Isreal <3

    -Ooh, that's pretty hard, but I think it's The Dark Knight Rises.
    -Reckless Love by Corey Asbury, or The Breakup Song by Francesca Battistelli
    -Pistachio, Cookies and Creme, Caramel, or Black Raspberry!

  34. Hiii !! My current favorite movie is and always will be How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. My favorite song is a tie between Raise a Hallelujah and Yes and Amen. My favorite icecream is cookie dough or ANY flavor peanut butter related.

  35. Hello Jenny!
    my favorite movie is Shazam
    my favorite worship song is Remembrance by Hillsong (No Longer Slaves by Bethel is also really good!)
    my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip (yum!)

  36. Favorite movie: Sandlot
    Favorite Hymn: Praise Ye the Lord, The Almighty
    Favoirte icecream: Black raspberry

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