Because of my new Bible study routine for 2019, I’ve been waking up every morning SO excited to do my Quiet Time!

Today I’m going to share with you a review of my new Bible, some pictures of my journaling (plus new stickers I’ve been using that are literally my favorite) and how I’m reading through the entire Bible in 2019!

Click here to purchase this Bible from DaySpring.

A few weeks ago I went on the search for a new Bible online. I found several that I liked, but none that felt just right. That is, until God dropped this one in my lap! I don’t even remember how exactly I found it, but as soon as I did, I was like, “Oh my goodness! This is the one!”

This Bible, the CSB (in)Courage Devotional Bible, is literally my aesthetic. Pictures of these little pink roses are used throughout it (swoon) and the green cloth cover is just adorable. It’s minimal, vintage and floral—all the things I love!

I’ve been loving studying Proverbs in a version I’ve never used before—the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). To be honest, I wasn’t sure at first if I was going to like it, but now I’m enjoying it very much!

Click here to download the Little Bible Plan for free.

Each book of the Bible has an introductory page like the one pictured above. (And each one features different rose images!)

Something I think is super unique about this Bible is that the space for journaling is at the bottom instead of the side.

Also, there are 312 devotions inside! Here’s an excerpt from their website:

The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible invites every woman to find her story within the greatest story ever told—God’s story of redemption.

As you study God’s Word, 122 women from the (in)courage community come alongside you with 312 devotions, sharing stories of how God’s story has changed their lives. Because of His grace, they have found beauty in the brokenness and hope in the hard. With each devotion, they sing the praise of the One who has authored their story.

My go-to journaling supplies right now are my Crayola Super Tips markers, micron pens, some new sticker packs by Carpe Diem that my dad got me for Christmas (and I am absolutely obsessed with) and the Illustrated Faith date stamp!

These little floral stickers are my favorite!

This Bible also features 50 different women in the Bible, explaining how God showed His love in each women’s life.

I have never read the Bible in year. I’ve always been more into taking my time with passages and doing a LOT of journaling. But this year is different! I really feel like doing more reading and less journaling. And so, I’m taking the challenge to read the entire Bible in a year! I’m extremely excited and I’ve been looking forward to the passages every morning.

I’m following this plan on the Bible app (but I’m not reading the devotions that go along with it due to time).

I’d love to know what your Bible study routine is for 2019! Are you reading through the entire Bible this year? Or do you use any good devotional books? What Bible do you have? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Yes!! I LOVE the CSB!! I just got the CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students from my parents as a New Years gift and I love it!! There’s something about getting a new Bible every once in a while that makes Quiet Time fun!!
    I wouldn’t mind looking into the one that you just got, I’ve been hearing a lot about it!! 😀

    1. YES, I completely agree about getting a new Bible! So true! ☺️ How exciting that you got one too (and it sounds amazing). Hope you have a wonderful 2019! 💙

  2. I have the (in)courage Bible, too, and it is beautiful. Right now, though, I’m using the Jesus Study Bible as my primary study Bible and an ESV Journaling Bible and the She Reads Truth Bible for journaling.

  3. The blog looks incredible! I love admiring all the little changes you’ve made; they’re so aesthetic. 🙂

    Love you, keep being such a great role-model!

  4. I am so thrilled to find this post! Thank you so much for writing this. I just purchased the same Bible in the gray hardback, after going back and forth between this one and the She Reads Truth Bible. I am SO in love with it! But I can’t seem to find many articles about it! Isn’t it wonderful??

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