Happy May everyone! Welcome back if you’ve used the Little Bible Plan before, or welcome if you’re new. I’m so glad you’re here! I hope the theme of this month’s calendar blesses you as much as it blessed me putting it together.


This month we’re going to be reading through the entire book of John together. I’m so excited! Reading about Jesus’ life is one of my favorite things. I’ve actually been reading about Him in Matthew, Mark and Luke this year with the Bible In One Year plan, and since John is next, I thought it would be fun to include it in the Little Bible Plan as well!

Free John Bible Study App 

Also, I’ve just been introduced to this awesome new app called Filament: Gospel of John. It’s a free Bible study app that has study notes, information about key characters, plus pictures, maps and videos that go along with the passages! I’ll be partnering with Tyndale and talking more about this app on Instagram this month, but I super highly recommend downloading it to use as you study John!


Who does God say you are? He says you are:

  • beloved
  • chosen
  • accepted
  • beautiful

And so much more! This calendar features 31 of these amazing truths about your identity in Christ + verses to back them up. My hope is that you’ll be able to read these verses each morning and hold them close to your heart as you go through the day.

This world throws so many lies at us, and sometimes it’s hard to believe that we’re worth anything. But God dispels all these lies in His Word and tells us who we really are. We are His. We are loved, wanted and forgiven. And that is the TRUTH.

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Share your lettering on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan! If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. The .pdf link in the subscriber e-mail (not the blog post here) is taking me to the November, 2018 reading plan, rather than this month’s.

    1. I noticed that after I published it! So sorry! Unfortunately there’s no way to fix it for the emails that have already gone out, but hopefully everyone can find the right link here. Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it so much!

  2. I love your idea for reminding us of our identity in Christ! No matter our ages, sisters in Christ have the love of Jesus in common, along with the identities God has provided us through Christ. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of who God says I am in His Word! (PS You have certainly refreshed my creative spirit, too!)

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