Happy March! I can’t believe we’re getting Saint Patrick’s Day, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter all in one month! In honor of Easter approaching (my favorite holiday!), this month’s Bible plan is all about JESUS. Keep reading to learn more!


Truthfully, we’re all about Jesus over here every month—but this month’s verses & songs are specifically Jesus-centered. We’ll be reading all about His life in the Gospel of John (I’m so excited!!!) and listening to worship songs that are solely about Him. A whole month of focusing on Jesus & worshipping our Savior. Who’s ready?!


You’ll find all of this month’s songs on my Spotify playlist, he is risen, plus several more that I love for Easter-time!

Wishing you a wonderful March & a happy Easter! I hope you have an amazing time studying the Gospel of John—I absolutely LOVE the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) because there’s truly nothing more wonderful to read about than the life and love of our Savior. Hoping this month brings you closer to Him!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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    1. So sorry, I was having some issues with my blog subscriptions, but it should be working now! Thank you for letting me know, your comment was actually super helpful in fixing the issue! ☺️

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