This month’s Bible reading plan is all about friendship + community. If you’ve been thinking about starting a Bible study with your friends, maybe this plan could help you get it going! And you are warmly invited to join us on Instagram each week for a virtual Bible study discussion time, where my hope is that everyone will feel encouraged, uplifted and welcome.


Connect with sisters in Christ. Join us every Monday & Thursday this month for an online Bible study café! This event will be taking place solely on my Instagram, @christiangirls. You’ll find giveaways, discussion questions about the passages, drink + treat ideas and more ways to connect with other girls who are doing this plan! These Bible studies have no set time, so feel free to grab a cup of coffee and participate at any time throughout the day.

Just a friendly reminder: Always be mindful of who you’re talking to online and what personal information you’re giving out. Follow Instagram’s age guidelines and be safe!


This month we’ll be reading about several different friendships in the Bible! The ones I’ve chosen are:

  • Ruth & Naomi
  • David & Jonathan
  • Elijah & Elisha
  • Jesus & His Disciples
  • Paul & Timothy
  • Paul & Onesimus
  • Jesus & YOU!

I’m most excited for that last one!


Here’s another way to build friendships + community this month! Each day features a little challenge having to do with friendship. Some examples are:

  • Pray for your sisters in Christ.
  • Write a letter to a friend just because.
  • Ask someone how their day is going.

Feel free to complete as many or as little of these challenges as you want. To join the community on Instagram, be sure to use the hashtag #littlebibleplan!


You! This plan is geared toward teens and 20-somethings, but girls and women of all ages are welcome to join.

You can do this with your friends, small group, Bible study, family, us on Instagram—or, just you and Jesus. Because a friendship with Him is the most important thing in the world, and He is the best friend you’ll ever have.

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  1. I can’t wait for this plan! How so very exciting! I’m so thankful that God gives us friendships here on earth and that their are so many examples of friendship in the Bible ♡

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