March’s Little Bible Plan is here! Join us for a fun month of journaling and studying God’s Word.

And I just wanted to quickly add: To everyone who participated in February’s Little Bible Plan, thank you. Thank you for an incredible month of growing, learning and praying for our future husbands! I loved hearing from you all, seeing your posts and getting inspired by you. I’ll never forget it!


A few months ago we studied 1 Samuel, and this month we’ll be continuing with 2 Samuel! (Don’t worry if you didn’t read 1 Samuel—you can absolutely still join in.) I’m so excited to read more about David this month!

2 Samuel is definitely not for the faint of heart. It gets pretty gruesome at times. And some of it might be a little confusing. But there is SO MUCH GOOD packed into these pages, especially some hidden gems from David. Here’s a little sneak peak:

How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you! -2 Samuel 7:22

And if you need help understanding some of the passages this month, I’m going to do my best to post about many of them on my Instagram story. Also, one of my favorite free resources for studying and understanding God’s Word is Blue Letter Bible!


Get ready to write & create! This month’s plan features a fun journaling idea each day that you can complete in your Bible, Little Faith Book, etc. Here are just a few of the prompts you’ll find:

  • Reasons why I love my Savior.
  • 5 of my favorite male and female fictional characters.
  • Put worship music on shuffle + doodle lyrics from the first 3 songs that come up.
  • Words that describe Jesus.

I hope your March is filled with growth, blessings, coffee and lots of Jesus!

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I’d LOVE to see pictures of your Bibles & journals this month! Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please share on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. Jenny- this is always such a treat to log on and see your latest bible plans! 💖 Feb. was FANTASTIC and really a Godsend. Thank you for such a beautiful ministry and way to study the bible- and including me in it all! 😊

  2. Hi Jenny,

    I Thanks very much for you to share this Bible Reading Planner sample. When I surrender my Life to God and now baptist I very much like to read Bible everyday. Reading my bible will help me know in deep way how God is very good.

    Thanks and Godbless you always,

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