Ciao! Welcome back for another month of the Little Bible Plan, or welcome if you’re new! I’m SO glad you’re here, because we have some super exciting things going on this month. Join our community as we take another virtual “trip” through the Bible—this time to Italy!

Available to download in English, Spanish + German at the bottom of this post.


LET’S GO! Next stop—Rome, Italy! From the comfort of our own couches, of course. Pack your “suitcase” + get ready to “travel” to Europe in the Bible this month! We’ll be tagging along with the Apostle Paul as he embarks on a dangerous journey to Italy. After that, we’ll be studying the letter he wrote to the people of Rome—Romans!

Summer 2020 is going to be a weird one for sure. Probably the weirdest we’ve ever seen. I don’t know what you’re facing—maybe plans have been cancelled, maybe you feel isolated, maybe things are getting back to “normal,” or maybe your future is totally uncertain. But I do know this—God is still here. He is not surprised. Nothing can stop His plans for you, and He still has great plans for your summer!

So my hope is that our little community will find joy in this time and make Summer 2020 a summer to remember—as we “travel” to one of the best vacation spots on earth. (An Italian summer? Yes, please!)

But much more than that, I hope this summer will turn out to be the most special yet because of WHO you spend it with—the best travel Companion ever, Jesus!

TIP: If you dream of traveling to Italy like I do, I totally encourage you to create an Italy-themed staycation this month! Get yourself in the mood with Italian music, cook some Italian food, make a little passport, etc. You’ll find more ideas like these on this month’s calendar!


Join us on my Instagram (@christiangirls) every Tuesday during the month of June for an online Bible study café! Little Bible Café—Italian edition! Through posts and stories, we’ll have discussion questions, giveaways, games and more. Hope to see you there!



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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her husband, find out more about their ministry here!

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. You can find out more about her ministry by following her Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog,!

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  1. Hi, first off, thank you for your reading plans! Second, I adore the design of them, do you mind sharing what clip art you use?
    Thank you!

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