Hi everyone! Happy June! As summer gets closer and closer, my hope is that this Little Bible Plan can help us take time each day to breathe, soak in God’s Word and grow closer to Him through prayer.


This month we’re going to begin studying the book of Acts! Get ready to read about the very first Christians and their incredible acts of faith and courage. (Also, we’ll be introduced to a certain man named Saul, who would later be known as Paul. My favorite person in the Bible—besides Jesus!)


Spend a little time each day talking to God. These 30 prayer requests are designed to help you focus on the Lord, tune your heart to be more like His and draw closer to Him. Here are some requests you’ll find:

  • Bloom into a Godly woman.
  • Overcome jealousy and comparing myself to others.
  • Struggles with friendships or relationships.
  • A heart like Jesus.

As you set aside a little time each day for Bible study and prayer, watch how He works in your life!

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One Comment

  1. Another lovely post by such a godly woman! ♡ Great job! I’m SO exited to get started growing through prayer this month! This has really been on my heart, and I’m so exited to get started! I love you!

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