To all my Christian book girlies, this month’s Little Bible Plan is for you!

I didn’t want last month’s Little Faith Library theme to end, so I thought—why not continue with a part two? If you love books, Jesus, the Bible, unique Christian music, and cutie printables, keep reading to learn more.


Welcome back to another month of Little Faith Library, or welcome if you’re new!

In this bookish themed Little Bible Plan, we’ll be “checking out” books of the Bible to study & read. (Not actually checking out books from the library, of course, but just using this play on words for fun, hehe.)

This month, we’ll be “checking out” 6 books of the Bible! If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry—these books are on the shorter side & I’ve broken them down into manageable passages. (As always, NO worries if you fall behind or aren’t able to finish them all. This is all about spending time with Jesus, not about rules or stress or pressure!)

Here are the books we’ll be reading:

  • Ruth
  • Habakkuk
  • Colossians
  • 1 Thessalonians
  • 2 Thessalonians
  • Malachi


You’ll also find a playlist of songs on this month’s Little Bible Plan that have all the good book girlie vibes—PLUS they honor and glorify Jesus! You can listen to these songs + more on my Spotify (click here).


Here’s a fun little extra for your Bible study this month! I created “library cards” that you can print & use in your Bible. You’ll find one for every book we’re studying, PLUS ones that are blank and ones with just the dates & names.

FUN FACT #1: The names on these cards are all characters from books.

FUN FACT #2: In the “date due” section, I put the date we’ll be starting each book.

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If you missed them last month, I also created these cutie little bookmarks that you can use in your Bible or just add to your bookmark collection!

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As one of my favorite quotes says, “The Bible is the only book where the Author is in love with the reader.” I hope you have a blast reading the greatest book of all time this month, and—most importantly—I hope it brings you closer to the Author of life itself, Jesus Christ!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. Awesome!!!! I just created a playlist in Apple music from the playlist u provided.. I like all the songs 🫶🏽.

  2. I will like to appreciate this blog. I was introduced to this blog by Sharoon Ooja Nwoke on Instagram, and I thank God i subscribed. Although at times there are some skips here and there, I am grateful for my improvement in studying Gods word.
    My prayer request is that God should grant me the strength to be Consistence with him, in prayers, reading more and obeying more. Amen.

    God bless you for this blog. Amen.

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