Welcome to our very first book-themed Little Bible Plan! I’m so excited, because this month’s plan is based on one of my favorite books, Little Women! Keep reading to learn more.

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I’m so excited to introduce our very first book-themed Little Bible Plan! *throws confetti*

During the months of July and August, our Bible study will be based on the beloved classic, Little Women! As a bonus, I thought it might be fun if you wanted to read the book this summer while you’re studying the Bible passages. (This is optional, of course—but I do highly recommend Little Women as a summer read!)

This month, you’ll find Bible passages & songs that relate to the four sisters in Little Women:

Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy

I tried to find songs & verses that went along with their character, their personality, their interests & lessons they learned throughout their lives.


I listened to Little Women by Louisa May Alcott on audiobook a few months ago, and I absolutely fell in love with the story. I was also blown away by how much the author talked about God and His love. The movies are great, but they definitely failed to include that part! Just as a little disclaimer, I do think the Gospel message was a little vague in the book, and there was a heavy emphasis on “good works” and being “good enough” for Heaven. The Bible teaches that we are saved because of what Jesus did for us and because of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, I still absolutely loved her inclusion of God in the story & how wonderful His love is!

Here are a few helpful links, if you’re interested in checking out the book/movie in addition to your Bible study!

Little Women (Puffin in Bloom)

Little Women (Classic Novel)

Little Women (2019 Movie)

Little Women (Book 1 Audiobook)

Good Wives (Book 2 Audiobook)

Little Women (Spotify Playlist)

I hope you enjoy this month’s special Little Bible Plan! And most importantly, I hope these songs & Bible passages help you grow even closer to our Savior!


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her husband, find out more about their ministry here!

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Thank you to our German translator, Daniela! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. You can find out more about her ministry by following her Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog, ewiglichtkind.de!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. I love these guided studies so much. I have been reading your plan since May ’21. I just wanted to say thank you so much!

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