February! Oh, how I love this month! Pink things, Hallmark movies, roses, mine and Michaela’s birthdays. But I’m most excited to share this month’s special Little Bible Plan with you. God touched my heart in ways I can’t explain while picking out these Bible passages, and my hope is that your heart will be touched as well as you read them.


This month we’re going to be reading about several different couples in the Bible and what we can learn from them! A few of them are:

  • Isaac & Rebekah
  • Ruth & Boaz
  • David & Bathsheba
  • Hosea & Gomer

But here’s the best part: We’re starting with Adam & Eve and ending with Christ & His bride. (That’s you if you’ve given your life to Jesus!) Yes, these passages are about Biblical couples, but ultimately this Bible plan will take you through the greatest love story ever told—Christ’s love for you and me.

I was touched beyond words at how God’s divine plan is connected and woven throughout these scriptures. I had tears rolling down my cheeks at one point. His love is just unexplainable.


Each day features a little area that says “pray for him,” and there you’ll find 28 different ways you can pray for your future husband. Here are some of them:

  • that he will grow closer to the Lord every day.
  • to resist sexual temptation.
  • that he will love you like Christ loves His bride, the church.
  • that you will stay pure for him.

Praying for your future husband is so important and meaningful. Because you’re not just praying about a nice idea—you’re praying for a living, breathing human being that’s somewhere out there right now, facing battles just like you are. Wow!

Also, if I’m being completely honest, I’m nowhere near the godly wife I want to be for my future husband. This list helps me see all the things I want to strive for as well. The goal, of course, is not to be perfect. The goal is simply to be more like Christ, and to accept His grace when I fail.


You! Yes, you! Anyone is more than welcome to join. This plan is focused on praying for your future husband, but if you’re married, most of these prayers can absolutely be prayed for your present husband, too!

Feel free to print out a bunch and share them with your friends, family, church, small group, etc. (All rights reserved. Any use other than personal or free distribution is prohibited by Little Faith Blog.)

I hope you have a lovely February and are truly blessed as you read about God’s great love for you.

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    1. Thank you Stormy! <3 And yes! I would love to do that and was wondering if anyone else wanted to. So thank you for your comment!

  1. Hey Jenny! This is A M A Z I N G! You are always making Bible reading fun. I can’t wait to read about this topic; it’s really been on my heart! This is just what I needed this month! When’s your birthday? I would love to celebrate with you.😉🎉 Love you! This is going to be so fun!

    1. Hi Molly! Your comments always bring a huge smile to my face! 😊 I’m excited to hear that. Hope you’ve been having a fun month so far. My birthday is February 17th! Love you too girl! 💗

  2. I love love this idea. I love following your blog and also I love the calendars you do like these..they brighten up my day. I had a rough year from 2016 till present, but I hope this year will be a great year, it didn’t start out how I wanted because I thought I found the one who loves me, because the person I was talking he was also a godly man, but what hurt was he said he doesn’t think he can picture me being his wife, and him too was a godly man, it hurt so much, but as for the next 28 days, ill be praying for that right man to come, because love is patient as well god is patient with us, so thank you for posting this it means a lot. I do not have a blog or anything, but I hope you and I become we can become friends through via email or something. May god bless you in this new journey of 2018 with your kindness of heart <3 God Bless You and thank you again for posting these.

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I’m so sorry to hear about what you went through…that must’ve been so painful. But I know for sure that God has something so much better in store for you! He has such a beautiful plan for your life. I hope your 2018 has been looking up. I hope this is your best year yet, that God will teach you so many new things & that you’ll grow closer to Him! God bless you too, xo 💛

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