NOTE FROM JENNY: Enjoy this special guest post by my sweet friend and little sister in Christ, Molly. At just fourteen years old, Molly is a talented writer, editor, photographer and designer. She faithfully uses her talents for the Lord, and I know you’ll love this post that she put together!

First off, I would like to thank Jenny for all her inspiration and for suggesting the Christy Miller books (a must-read for any teenager) to me, where I got the idea for making this DIY!

In the Christy Miller books, Christy decides to make a promise to her future husband in her first shoebox letter, saying that she will promise to stay pure for him and continue to pray for him. Later in the series, she fills up her shoebox throughout her teen and college years until it’s near overflowing. Eventually, she gives it to her husband after they are married, and he feels SO special!

One of the theme verses of their (Christy and her husband’s) relationship is the Philippians 1:7 verse, “I feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart.” I was so inspired by the idea, that I decided to make a prayer shoebox, too! Even though I’m nowhere near even thinking about marrying (I’m fourteen) I still feel like it helps me feel connected to him like a friend, although I haven’t even met him yet!


I took a shoebox and used adhesive paper (it’s called drawer liner and not much of a hassle like wrapping paper), and I wrapped it around the inside where my letters will be kept. Then, I decorated the top inside of the shoebox with the Philippians verse “I hold you in my heart,” -Philippians 1:7. The outside is all craft paper from Hobby Lobby (I’m a huge fan of the the “Mint to be Fab” collection, so I splurged on a paper crafting kit of it for this project 😂). I love the look of gold, because it reminds me of purity, so I tried to slip some of that in on my shoebox (and it also covers up places the paper was too small for 🤫). The stickers and lettering are all from Hobby Lobby, and the little roses are from the floral collection of the Carpe Diem planner stickers. Some helpful supplies for this project are double-sided tape. I used it to adhere all my paper to the shoebox. I may eventually go over it with Mod Podge so that the edges won’t pop up over time.


I personally love dressing up my letters so that they feel special, but however you choose to write yours is great! I wrote the date on the front of the envelopes with my typewriter, so that my future husband will have fun “going back into time” to see how much I love him. I wrote my letters as if I was writing to a friend, and I mention what has happened in my life at the moment and some of my prayers for him.

I’m thrilled to see my husband’s reaction on our wedding day when I give him my shoebox full of letters to him. I hope he’ll feel super special, because he’ll get to see my love for him even at my early teenage years!


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  1. Dear Molly,
    I love this sweet idea so much. I feel quite inspired to start writing to my future husband. As someone who is only fifteen, I know marriage is a ways away. However, I think this is a wonderful and beautiful way to love and cherish my future husband now.
    Thank you so much for sharing, Salma

    1. Thanks so much, Salma! I am SO excited that you were inspired; it’s so much fun, and I know you will love it. I’m so glad you liked it, that means so much to me! 😊
      ♡, Molly

  2. Hey Molly,
    This is such a great idea.
    I had an idea to write letters to my future husband in a book format and give it to him on our wedding day. I think I like yours better.

  3. Both ideas are incredible! Thanks so much ♥️ I’m so thankful that we can share ideas for our future husbands. They will feel so special someday!

  4. Love!!! I love this idea so much 😍💕 As a Christian fourteen year old girl as well, this is such a blessing! 🤗 I currently started praying for my future husband for the first time last week and I came across this wonderful post and it inspired me so much to do one of these very soon! May God bless you always Molly! ♥️

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