Merry CHRISTmas!

This month’s theme is a little mix of pink winter + Barbie in the Nutcracker + girly Christmas. Most importantly, it’s all about keeping CHRIST at the center of Christmas. There’s truly nothing more wonderful to focus on during this season (or any season) than JESUS!

On this calendar you’ll find songs & ideas to have a Christ-centered Christmas, with a girly twist. Keep reading to learn more!


We are currently spending the ‘ber months (October, November, December) journeying through Isaiah. If you weren’t here last month OR if you fell behind—no worries, sis! This is all about spending time with Jesus in His Word, so feel free to jump right in, pick up where you left off, or whatever the Holy Spirit nudges you to do. We’re all about grace in this community!

Isaiah can be difficult to understand at times, so if you need help with your study, I definitely recommend the Enduring Word commentary. I actually found this commentary when we studied Isaiah several years ago, and it helped me SO much! I didn’t usually read the whole thing, just snippets here and there where I needed help understanding. And I would jot down quotes from the commentary into my Bible that stood out to me. It really deepened my study, and I highly recommend this to everyone!


Let’s keep Christ at the center of Christmas—with a pink twist!

I’ve been seeing the “pink winter” aesthetic a bunch this year, and I’m loving it! There are so many cute reels + posts + playlists—but I haven’t seen many Jesus-centered things. So I thought it would be fun to make this Little Bible Plan for any girlies out there who like the pink/nutcracker vibes, but also want to celebrate Jesus this season!

Every other day you’ll find a song or an idea to have a Christ-centered Christmas.

P.S. (If you’ve never seen Barbie in the Nutcracker, I 1000% recommend.)


I made a couple playlists to go along with this month’s theme! They’re called christian girly pop christmas + pink winter christian girl. The first has all of the songs from this month’s calendar + more, and the second includes songs for all of winter, not just Christmastime. I hope you like them!

Wishing you a very merry CHRISTmas filled with peppermint drinks, sugar plums (I’ve actually never had a sugar plum in my life haha!) & lots of sweet time with Jesus.


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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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