Howdy friends! Welcome to this month’s country summer themed Little Bible Plan!

This one’s for the country girls—and also for the girls who aren’t necessarily country but sometimes enjoy the vibes. (Like me! Haha.) Above all, this is for the JESUS girls—the girls who love spending time in God’s Word, reading the Psalms, listening to Anne Wilson, and making the most of the season they’re in. I hope you enjoy this month’s plan!


When I think of books of the Bible to read during summer, I think of Psalms. It’s such a perfect late summer read—beautiful, poetic, easy to understand, filled with songs and nature and praising the Lord. Perfect for those soft August mornings & country summer days!


We’re soaking in our last full month of summer with a Christian country theme! On this plan you’ll find 31 songs & ideas to help you have a Christ-centered country summer. Such as…

  • Have Bible study on the porch (or porch ambience). If you need a good porch ambience, I recommend this one on YouTube! It’s so cute & cozy.
  • Have sweet tea or lemonade with your Bible study.
  • Go on a drive with the windows down. I highly recommend listening to Christian country music (like the playlist below).
  • Look at the stars and stand in awe of their Creator.

+ more!

As always, these ideas are just for fun. Feel free to do as many or as little as you like. You can also tweak them to fit your lifestyle and/or switch them to different days. Whatever you want!

Also, you can find all of this month’s songs + more on my Spotify playlist, christian country summer!

I know life can be crazy, but I hope we all take a little time this August to slow down, rest, feel the sun on our skin, listen to the birds chirping, feel the grass beneath our feet, and praise the Lord for all of His goodness.

I want to say yeehaw, but I won’t.



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Thank you to our Spanish translator, Melanie! Please support her by keeping her in your prayers. If you’re interested in financially supporting her and her family, find out more about their ministry here!

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Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!

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  1. I love it. I would like to have a relationship with God, since I feel lonely. I want to know God more.

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