I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14

You are beautiful. There is no one else like you; you are so unique. You are a gem. And just like a gem your inner workings are designed to reflect light, the light of God. When you let Christ shine through your heart it reflects on your outward appearance.

Your outward appearance isn’t everything, but it is the first thing people see and cast their initial opinion on. Our culture has put some crazy expectations on our physical form, but women have been doing a good job recently fighting those expectations with self love and care.

That’s what this column is about, and to go even further it’s about giving you tips and information to help you understand what the Bible says about physical beauty. Once we know what God says we can use that to live our best lives.

This column will feature articles on different aspects of natural beauty such as do-it-yourself projects, healthy recipes, and other life improvement subjects. We’ll explore things like:

  • essential oils
  • natural cleaning products
  • ways to be healthy and save money
  • and many others

I am so extremely excited to share this with you guys because health science and natural living is something I’m very passionate about.

Each post will include a NERD ALERT section which will explore the science behind the subject talked about in the post. This is where I’ll combine all of my research for you to read so that you don’t have to do it yourself.

Feel free to comment any questions or suggestions of subjects you’d like to hear about. If you try any of the recipes or DIY projects post them on Instagram with the hashtag #littlefaithbeauty so that Jenny and I can see them!

Live your best life!

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One Comment

  1. This looks SO amazing, Cinderella! <3 I'm super exited to see what you talk about in this column. I'm so pumped!

    Love youuuu!

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