Hi everyone! If you haven’t heard about Holley Gerth’s new book and Bible journaling kits, prepare to fall in love. Her products are adorable—the colors, lettering, flowers, etc. But above all that, the message she’s spreading about who God says you are is incredibly important and life-changing. Keep scrolling to the bottom of this post to read four of these truths about you!

Thank you so much to DaySpring for sending me their newest Bible journaling kit! Keep reading to see an unboxing + how I’ve been using the kit in my Bible. DaySpring also sent me Holley’s new book and journal with no requirement to post about it—so sweet. I’ve decided to give them away to you guys!

This book would make such a meaningful gift for a friend, loved one or someone who’s having a hard time believing who God says they are.

What’s True About You Giveaway

What you’ll win:

Everything in the picture above! Holley Gerth’s book and journal, plus two items from DaySpring’s new Bible journaling kit—a card and a sticker.

How to enter:

Simply be subscribed to my blog and leave a comment below telling me one truth you know God says about you. (You’re beautiful, loved, created with a purpose, etc.) That’s it!

How I’ve been using this month’s kit in my Bible! I love the little devotional cards that come with each box (right).

This is actually going to be DaySpring’s last Bible journaling kit for now. *tears* If you’re interested, make sure you grab yours before they’re all gone!

Purchase your own Bible journaling kit here.

What’s inside this month’s kit? So many goodies!

  • 4 What’s True About You devotionals (sneak peek below)
  • washi tape
  • stickers
  • paper pieces
  • stamps
  • petite art prints
  • greeting card (the cutest)
  • free bonus printable pages

Not only does this card have a wonderful message, it also comes with a cute little bookmark inside! Such an encouragement for a friend who’s hurting.

4 Truths About You

Here are four amazing truths that God says about YOU. The full devotional cards by Holley Gerth (pictured above) are included in this month’s Bible journaling kit.

1. You are growing.

1 Corinthians 3:7 – “So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. Only God, who makes things grow, is important.”

2. You have everything you need.

Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.”

3. You are God’s friend.

John 15:15 – “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. But I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I heard from my Father.”

4. You are making a difference.

Matthew 5:14 – “You are the light that gives light to the world. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the top of this post. I love you guys, and you are so precious, priceless and valuable to God.

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  1. Giveaway response! I am enough! My value in God’s eyes matters more than my value in the world’s eyes. 🙂

  2. He calls me beautiful, even when he’s seen every shadow, every inch, every moment of me and my life. He found me worth dying for. Therefore, He’s worth waiting for.

  3. That God loves me and that he will guide me through hard and difficult times! I recently graduated and even through the stress of college admissions and the decisions I had to make, God had my back.

  4. That I shouldn’t fear anything about my future, that he has a great plan for me and will guide and be with me every step of the way <3

  5. I am beautiful in God’s eyes and he will blessed me💛 He will give me a good future when I grow up😇

  6. God said I am held. There are seasons in my life that I’ve felt like no one is there for me but God has His ways of letting me know that He is holding me, that He got me. If we would just believe the truth that God is for us, our hearts will be at peace. My heart does! I’ve found my dentity in Christ, I could share a lot of truths of who I am in God but the thing is we must first believe.

    And oh! You’re amazing Jenny and all other girls in this community! Praying for you all.

  7. I am created for a purpose – I know this because I had a terrible car accident that should have killed me but I survived and now I’m indulging in the amazing power of God. I may not know my purpose right now, but I do know that living for God and doing his Will is what he wants and that’s why I intend to do for the rest of my life. Let your light shine.

  8. My truth is that I am made new, and set free of all of my past burdens and sin. Thank God for that.

  9. My truth is that no matter my past, he will always love and he forgave me my sins when I repented them. He will never turn His back on me as long as I don’t turn mine on Him.

  10. What’s true about me: I am enough. I may not have the highest paying job or do something amazing in my life time. As long as I love God and walk with Him I am enough. ❤️

  11. I am not stupid! A lie which i have told myself, and spoken over my life, for many years! 😔 But God’s truth has set me free from that lie!

  12. God says He is Healer and He holds me. He says I am worthy of love. He says I am His. He says there is power in the Name of Jesus.

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