I am bursting with excitement to share this month’s Little Bible Plan with you for SO many reasons—one, we’re “traveling” to Israel in the Bible this month, and two, the Little Bible Plan is now available in GERMAN, guys! Wooooooooo!
HUGE NEWS: The Little Bible Plan is now being translated into German! *tosses balloons in the air* I am SO excited! This is all thanks to my dear friend, Daniela, who reached out to me and offered to use her valuable time to translate these calendars. Guys, let me tell you about this girl—you are going to LOVE her ministry (even if you’re like me and can’t speak a word of German). We’ve been Instagram friends for quite a while now. We really bonded last year over a similar heartbreak experience, and now we share music that means a lot to us (especially songs by Hollyn), keep in touch with little Instagram messages and encourage one another in our ministries! I’m so incredibly thankful for her friendship, and you have GOT to check her out! She’s a truly gifted blogger, speaker, writer, designer—you name it! Here is all her contact information:
Keep in touch with Daniela:
How do I even BEGIN to explain my excitement for this month’s Little Bible Plan?! GUYS! This is my favorite one we’ve ever done! Not only are we “traveling” to Israel through the pages of God’s Word, but the entire theme of my blog and Instagram this month will center around Israel. I’ll be posting pictures and experiences from my trip, music ideas, devotions and so much more. I. Am. EXCITED!
This Bible plan is for everyone. If you:
- have been to Israel and miss it like crazy
- have never been to Israel but long to go
- just love Israel and how it’s connected to the Bible
- have never really thought much of Israel or its Biblical significance
Pack your “suitcase” and get ready for an epic journey through the land that God chose out of all the earth to be His forever home.
Here’s what you’ll find on your trip this month:
- open God’s Word and travel to different places in Israel
- find pictures of what they look like today
- learn about the importance of Israel to God and the Bible
- eat Israeli food
- learn some words in Hebrew
- listen to Israel-inspired music
- + so much more!
I hope you’re as excited as I am for our adventure this month! I pray that you’ll learn more about God’s Promised Land and grow closer to our Yahweh, Elohim and LORD. Shalom!
Big thanks to my sweet summer friend, Melanie, for faithfully translating these calendars into Spanish, even with her hectic schedule. Please support her by taking a moment to pray for her and her daily life. I’m sure it would mean the world to her!
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Welcome Daniela to the Little Bible Plan team! I’m SO excited and just blown away by her passion to contribute to this ministry. Please support her by following her on Instagram, @ewiglichtkind, and checking out her blog, ewiglichtkind.de!
Join the conversation on Instagram with the hashtag #littlebibleplan. If you’d like to help support my ministry, please consider sharing on Pinterest. Thank you!
Esto me encanta. Hice el de Agosto y voy a hacer el de noviembre. Muchas gracias
Thank you! I look forward to seeing the new Bible plan for the months, it’s only been Nov. 1 for less than 20 min. and I wanted to check your page to see if the Nov. plan was up! Saved to pictures!
Please keep up the great work, God Bless you!!!
This is such an amazing resource for Christians and the body of Christ! Thank you for putting together such a fantastic reading schedule and a creative way to travel to Israel in the Bible. Your love of God’s Word reminds me of something Pastor Philip De Courcy once said, “Christians who delight in God delight in His word” https://www.ktt.org/resources/truth-matters/soul-food.
May we be faithful to delight in God’s Word using this wonderful tool you have given us. Thank you!!!
Another post that never ceases to amaze me, my big sister! You’re incredible; I can’t wait to see the next posts.